
At KTGY we have a goal to continuously grow, learn and challenge ourselves to be better. This past week the Irvine Low-Density studio honed their communication and team-building skills in a unique and fun activity.

The challenge: To build a tower in 20 minutes. The twist:  Each group could use only spaghetti & marshmallows. Each team member could only utilize a single “construction material” either the spaghetti OR the marshmallows.  The studio was broken into teams of two one designer and one production member each and the challenge began.

We soon learned that planning and communication were key to creating a successful tower. There was a collective sense that no one person was in complete control. Since objectives were limited and the challenge was within a time constraint, we had to set goals and compromise and establish priorities.

The Takeaway. These lessons can be applied towards our projects’ goals and clients’ needs. Just like we did with our own teammate, we should communicate with our clients and understand their needs. The exercise also emphasized the importance of working as one – with our colleagues, consultants, and clients – in order to achieve a common goal.