Park Avenue Apartments

Vista, CA

Cross Real Estate

  • Architecture
  • Multifamily Residential
  • Wrap
  • Complete

Park Avenue Apartments consists of 176 residential units, 6,000 square feet of indoor amenities, a parking structure, and 33,000 square feet of outdoor common space situated on a unique circular lot in Vista, California. The site’s ground floor is recessed below street level, and all three structures are built into a slope, allowing the four-story residences to conceal a four-story garage while the natural grade protects sightlines. The apartments are situated on the border of Vista’s Old Town and the residential neighborhood beyond, so great care was taken not to disrupt the surrounding neighborhood. The site will be improved with public and private outdoor space, incorporating art installations according to the city’s public art plan. Heeding community feedback, the building façade is designed to shift and undulate as the viewer moves around the perimeter — from the urban side to the suburban side. Variations in materials and parapet height blend the building with its surroundings while providing an attractive view from the street and above. Wood siding reflects the character of the surrounding homes and hillside beyond. Board-form concrete is a contemporary touch that evokes the urban center while retaining organic texture. The result is a building that feels modern and stylish without being overwhelmingly urban.

Property Facts


Density (du/ac)


Unit Plan Sizes (sq. ft.)


Number of Units (du)


Site Area (ac)


Parking Spaces (1.67 sp./unit)


Construction Type

Vista, CA
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