Bill Ramsey – Analyzing National Demographics and Consumer Trends

IMN: Build-To-Rent, Land & Homebuilding Forum (West)

September 13, 2021

8:15 AM – 9:00 AM

Bill Ramsey, Principal, KTGY
Lisa Lasko, Sr Channel Marketing Manager, Moen Inc.
Tricia Hausler, VP of Sales
Toll Brothers

Frederick Cooper, SVP, Finance, Int. Dev. & IR, Toll Brothers, Inc.

  • What does the data say that people actually want, with regards to their home?
  • Millennials – are they starting to buy?  Which locations are most desirable?
  • Active adult, senior housing and second-time buyers – what are the trends?
  • What demographic-related challenges are homebuilders facing in the Western US?
  • How are these problems being solved?  Which strategic partners are you working with to better serve the consumer?
  • Where will millennials and Generation Z be living in ten years’ time?
  • How are product offerings changing to meet affordability issues?