As an associate principal at KTGY Washington, D.C., Brian Fraser is an open collaborator who never loses sight of the end goal. Specializing in production for mid- and high rise multifamily residential developments, Brian works directly with clients to produce deliverables that exceed expectations. He emphasizes that design, production, and the client are all one team. Clients rely on him to anticipate their problems and he uses his 15 years of experience to guide them through the very specific regional challenges that they face. Working in tandem with the designers, Brian makes his expertise available from schematic design through construction administration.
After working across every residential typology Brian has developed a sense for understanding the needs of different regions and the people living there. He enjoys digging through the complexities of a project to find the specific demands and challenges facing a community and a location. Then, he uses his experience to find the opportunities to fill those needs and meet those challenges, often applying a proven situational solution in a new context. Brian’s expertise, consistency and problem solving compile into an attitude of collaboration that makes him a trusted resource within KTGY and for his clients. To him, it is all about the team.